20150417-20150417-_N8U5542-1Another wonderful school year has come to an end. An adventurous year it was, with many new students and exciting events. And so it was befitting that the conclusion was extraordinary as well.

On Tuesday, May 19th, we went to the Armstrong Park in Duncanville. Despite our concerns, the weather was pleasant and perfect. As soon as we arrived, the children ran forward and practically disappeared into the large castle-like structure. We played many games and engaged in various activities, though the students were perfectly happy to simply climb and hide and follow their imagination…

The next day, our last day, was filled with loving exchanges. Students were writing appreciations for each other, and signing their friends’ pictures. Then, off to our graduation ceremony. Each student, beginning with the youngest, received a certificate, highlighting one of the outstanding qualities they demonstrated during the course of this school year. It was enlivening to hear abouttheir determination, self-motivation, resourcefulness, sanguinity, courage, inquisitiveness, compassion, benevolence, ambitions, and other such remarkable aptitudes.

We also expressed our appreciation and gratitude to all the teachers and volunteers. And, above all, to Mother Jayanti, who has been serving at TKG Academy for 30 years, and is now going to be in an advisory capacity.

We look forward to the next school year with all the new students, adventures, excitements and learning experiences it may bring.

Have a wonderful summer!