TKG Academy is now accepting new students applications for the 2025-2026 school year.
Application forms and fees are due by: March 31, 2025.
Admission to TKG Academy is a simple process with the aim of helping families find the best match between their child and the school. Every application is carefully considered and in no way will a child be denied admission on the basis of race, gender, color, religion, or national origin.
We encourage any family considering to enroll their child to first visit the school. Our classrooms are open to visitors from October through March. Please contact us to schedule a visit and class observation.
Children must be at least 3 years old on or before September 1st, 2025.
TKG Academy does not discriminate in the administration of its admission and education policies on the basis of race, color, religion, sexual orientation, or national or ethnic origin.
Watch the TKG Academy Open House 2021

STep One
The first step is to complete the New Student Admissions Form 2025-2026, and submit it along with the non-refundable application fee by March 31st, 2025.
The application form and fee must be received before a child can be considered for enrollment.
New Student Application Fee (If paid by March 31st) : $300
Late Application fee: $400
Apply Now
Step Two
Upon receipt of your application form and fee, we will contact you to setup a school visit and, if not already done.
An assessment of the child’s readiness for the proposed entrance class will be scheduled and completed by the teacher, as well as an interview.
Step Three
Acceptance will be offered based on the classroom space, availability, and date of application.
Once it is determined that a child, family, and the school are a good match, you will receive a letter of acceptance.
Tuition & Fees
Tuition is calculated per school year and may be paid in 10 installments, due by the 5th of each month, from August to May.
Annual tuition
- Early Childhood (Ages 3-6): $6,250
- Elementary School (Grades 1-5): $6,950
- Middle & High School (Grades 6 & Up): $7,250
Please inquire about Siblings Discount and income-based scholarships.
New Enrollment
Application Fee of $300 is due by March 31st, 2025
Application Fee submitted after March 31st is $400
*Application fee is non-refunable
Payments should be sent to:
TKG Academy
5427 Philip Ave.
Dallas, TX 75223
For questions, please contact Nrtya Kisori Devi (214-886-4763)

Your childʼs teacher will provide a list of supplies that will be needed for class prior to the beginning of the school year. This list typically includes paper, pencils, notebooks and other items deemed necessary for participation in class activities.

Every student is required to wear a school uniform. Ordering instructions and the order form will be provided at the time a student is accepted for enrollment.

Field Trips
During the course of the school year students will have the opportunity to participate in learning experiences outside of the classroom. When a charge is applicable, advance notice will be provided.