It astounds me every time I encounter it: Our donors see themselves as beneficiaries and often express gratitude for the “opportunity to serve”. Their kindness, generosity, and humility are very touching and inspiring.
One such kindhearted donor is Prem Chandra Prabhu, along with his wife, Supriya Sakhi Devi, and two daughters, Sanskriti and Shivanshi. When asked why he is supporting TKG Academy, Prem Chandra Prabhu has a philosophical answer: “Over the years, we learned that whatever we do, we should do it in the service of Krishna. We also learned that Krishna is best served through his devotees, or by assisting other Vaishnavas,” he explains. “This is the only way giving can be truly giving. Otherwise, it will become just good karma and will come back to us, materially.” I admire his selflessness, genuine generosity, and his sincere desire to grow spiritually; to truly serve and please the Lord and His devotees. It’s beyond being a “good person” or doing “good deeds”. He also has no desire for recognition or reward.
“We are still not ready to serve Krishna and His devotees from our heart,” he continues with great humility. “Any small monetary support allows me to satisfy my ego, until I can purify it. TKG Academy provides a very easy opportunity for us to serve Krishna. Srila Prabhupada has made service easy even for lazy and less motivated people like me.” I’ve know Prem Chandra Prabhu for more than ten years. I would never describe him as “lazy” or “less motivated”. In addition to his full-time job and caring for his family (including his elderly, widowed mother), Prem Chandra Prabhu heads the Flower Mound Bhakti Vriksa and often organizes youth programs and other events. His wife teaches at the Sunday School, and they are always eager to serve.

Prem Chandra Prabhu and Supriya Sakhi Devi – with family – on their initiation day
In describing TKG Academy, he says, “It is the oldest Gurukula in the west and the only school in the Dallas area that teaches based on ‘Sanatana Dharma’ (The eternal identity of the self and our natural duties in relation to the Lord). It is the only school that teaches both ‘para and apara vidya’ properly (Both transcendental and worldly knowledge) and how to be truly happy.”
We are deeply grateful to Prem Chandra Prabhu and his family for many years of support as monthly donors and for their own dedication to the youth of our movement.
“When I see TKG Academy students, they are so happy that it makes me wonder why other schools can’t focus on teaching how to become happy eternally,” he concludes. “I always wonder if I was a child again, if I would go to TKG Academy for my schooling…”